Re: GtkPaned patch

On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 03:55:45PM -0500, Owen Taylor wrote:
> In GTK+-1.2, panes resized with a XOR'ed line.
> For GTK+-2.0, we changed it to opaque resizing
> My reasoning why it definitely shouldn't be an app property:
>  If your app can't handle opaque paned resizing, then
>  it won't be able to handle opaque window resizing. And
>  opaque window resizing isn't under the app's control.
> Should it be a style property or (probably better) GtkSetting
> for people with old, slow computers? 
> Opaque resizing within a window ends to work a lot _better_ than
> opaque resizing of windows (for X scheduling reasons mostly)
> and almost everybody uses opaque window resizing these days.
> But it's conceivable thing to add if there is sufficient demand.

It may make sense in other instances too.  MS Excel has a notion of
split vs frozen panes.  Split adds pane separators between the
quadrants and allows drag resizing.  The resizing happens in
increments of cols/rows not pixels and displays an xor line to mark
the current extent.  This is consistent with other resize behaviors
in Gnumeric where it is not really practical to resize correctly in
real time (eg resizing multiple rows at once)

In short I'd vote in favour of this extension.

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