Re: saving ICOs

Am Son, 2003-06-29 um 23.59 schrieb Keith Packard:
> Around 21 o'clock on Jun 29, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> > Ah, I see. Xcursor could equally "support" animated cursors on top of
> > legacy X servers by using timeouts to XSetCursor repeatedly on the
> > client side, although I guess it could be difficult to integrate that
> > with the clients mainloop...
> Yeah, that's why I stuck animated cursors into the server -- too much 
> bother to hack the clients in this way.  The obvious 'solution' would be 
> to use a separate thread, but I thought that would be rather error prone.

Another option would be a "cursor-daemon" whose sole task it would be
to call XSetCursor regularly on all windows where an animated cursor
must be emulated. But that would require defining an selection- or
property-based protocol for Xcursor to communicate with that daemon...
probably overkill.

> So, instead, animated cursors are 'emulated' by just displaying the first 
> image.  Again, 'good' cursor themes might want to ensure that the first 
> iamge in an animation is sensible when displayed alone.

Good enough, I guess. And given XcursorSupportsAnimation(), themes could
even provide a separate image as fallback.


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