Re: [Fwd: Folow-up question regarding the linux-fb port of gtk]


Abhishek Chitlangia <abhishek chitlangia jhu edu> writes:

> Thanks for the suggestion. I spent some time looking at the shadow_fb
> stuff, but finally run into the same problem: In this OS, I don't have
> direct access to the linux-fb; so I need to make a  call to the window
> system with a special "capability" that allows me rights to request a
> blit onto the actual fb. The window system then does the actual
> blitting. I have changed the gdkrender-fb code to make that call
> whenever the fb contents change (set_pixel functions, fill_span
> functions, etc.), but I want to make sure that this is the only file
> that has functions that talk directly to the linux-fb itself (I
> know.. too many "that"s)

What you are doing sounds a lot more similar to the DirectFB
approach. Perhaps you should check out GTK+ for DirectFB instead:

Actually I wonder if we need yet another windowing system on top of
the Linux framebuffer device. Did you look at DirectFB before? It is
very far already and perhaps it would be better to join efforts.


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