Re: About dialog API

On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 12:39:19AM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> about dialogs have tradionally been an area where application
> developers try create something that is unique and fun to look at. Do
> you really think that a toolkit should provide a standardized look and
> feel for it? I think not. Of course you can argue that noone is forced
> to use the API but I really think that GTK+ should focus on useful
> stuff and should leave things such as About dialogs to the application
> developers or to higher-level libraries. If the goal is to integrate
> libgnomeui into GTK+, we should consider to split GTK+ into a basic
> toolkit library and another one that provides composites widgets such
> as the one you propose here.

My view is that the basic goal is to have all the GUI/widget features
in GTK+ to easily write an app that is full-featured and correctly
consistent/integrated with a given desktop environment (whether it's
GNOME, KDE, or Windows).

Outside scope for GTK+ IMO would be stuff that isn't really 
related to widgets/GUI, and stuff that is only useful in a particular
application domain (such as GtkGamma).

An About dialog though is something any application can use, and
something other toolkits provide.

I don't see the point of splitting the library for standard
workstation installs, the only reason to do that I can see is
embedded/palmtop, and there it seems like a custom build is the way to
go. No one has written the patch yet for "configure


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