jhbuild patch to include accessibility modules in 'all'

Hi James/All:

Attached is a patch which adds the following accessibility modules to
the 'all' set for 2.0

and the following modules to 'all' (in addition to those listed above)
for 2.2:

Also I created a MetaModule "meta-accessibility".

gnome-speech (and by extension, gnopernicus) have a dependency on
java-access-bridge.  I don't think that's a hard dependency but I
included it in the jhbuild deps, since I don't know how to indicate a
soft dependency in jhbuild.  Perhaps someone can suggest a nicer way to
include j-a-b in jhbuild without blocking folks without Java-1.4 from
building gnopernicus.

OK to commit this version of the patch?  Or feel free to commit for me.



Index: moduleinfo.py
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/jhbuild/moduleinfo.py,v
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -u -r1.90 moduleinfo.py
--- moduleinfo.py	7 Nov 2002 21:02:38 -0000	1.90
+++ moduleinfo.py	16 Nov 2002 13:16:33 -0000
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@
                dependencies=['libgnomeui', 'libwnck'])
 gnome20.addmod('gnome-session', revision='gnome-2-0',
                dependencies=['libgnomeui', 'libwnck'])
+gnome20.addmod('at-spi', revision='gnome-2-0', dependencies=['libbonobo'])
+gnome20.addmod('libgail-gnome', revision='gnome-2-0', dependencies=['at-spi', 'gail'])
 gnome20.addmod('gnome-applets', revision='gnome-2-0',
                dependencies=['gnome-panel','libgtop', 'gail'])
 gnome20.addmod('gnome-games', revision='gnome-2-0',
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
                dependencies=['libmrproject', 'libgnomeui'])
-               dependencies=['gtk+', 'libglade'])
+               dependencies=['gtk+', 'libglade', 'gnome-python/pygtk'])
 gnome20.addmod('gael', dependencies=['dia-newcanvas', 'libglade', 'libgnomeui','gnome-xml'])
 gnome20.addmod('balsa', revision='BALSA_2',
@@ -265,11 +266,21 @@
                dependencies=['gnome-xml','gtk+', 'libart_lgpl',
+gnome22.addmod('at-spi', dependencies=['libbonobo'])
+gnome22.addmod('libgail-gnome', dependencies=['at-spi'])
+gnome22.addmod('gnome-mag', dependencies=['libbonobo'])
+gnome22.addmod('java-access-bridge', dependencies=['at-spi'])
+gnome22.addmod('gnome-speech', dependencies=['java-access-bridge'])
 gnome22.addmod('eel', dependencies=['librsvg','libgnomeui','gail'])
                dependencies=['esound', 'eel', 'librsvg', 'libgnomeui',
+gnome22.addmod('at-poke', dependencies=['at-spi', 'libglade'])
+gnome22.addmod('gok', dependencies=['at-spi', 'libglade'])
+gnome22.addmod('gnopernicus', dependencies=['at-spi', 'gnome-speech', 'gnome-mag'])
+                       modules=['at-poke', 'gok', 'gnopernicus', 'libgail-gnome']))
 # gnome 1.x support
 gnome1 = ModuleSet()

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