Re: Keynav in standard dialogs

Calum Benson <calum benson sun com> writes:

> Owen Taylor wrote:
> > Hmm, with my GtkTreeView'ized versions they seem mostly OK.  The font selector
> > seems perfectly fine
> Ah okay, I'd forgotten you were TreeViewizing things.  These are the
> problems I see with the non-TreeViewed font selector, perhaps you can
> confirm that they've been fixed in your version:
> - When you open it, nothing seems to have focus.

Generic bug.
> - Cancel and OK have access keys, which they shouldn't, and Preview
> doesn't, but it should.

"mnemonics" :-) 

Added a note about preview field to bug #54233. The Cancel and OK
thing is a quick change if there is consensus. Filed as #69569,
Return/Escape do work fine in the treeview-ized version. (The 
CList was interfering with them in some fashion.)
> - The biggest problem: focus traversal, and presentation of focus, is
> horrendous. Starting from the "nothing has focus" state, this is the
> effect of successive presses of Tab:
> 1. Focus moves to Family entry field.  This is pointless, as you can't
> type into it, which itself is a usability problem.

Using an entry here could be considered pretty useless. I guess the
possibilities are:

 - Remove the entry, extend the lists to the top

 - Use a label for the headings (think this would look a bit ugly)

 - Make the entries editable and make them control an "incremental"
   search in the lists in some fashion. (the most work.)

 - Just remove them from the tab chain and leave entry-looking
> 2. Focus moves to Style entry field. You can't type into this one
> either.
> 3. Focus moves to Size field.  Hurray, we can type into this one :o)
> 4. Focus appears to stay on Size field, but the default indicator
> disappears from OK.  What has focus now?
> 5. Focus appears to stay in Size field, but default indicator re-appears
> on the OK button.  What has focus now?

CList focus bugs/oddities, dont' happen with the treeview version. 

Thanks for the detailed review,

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