Re: pango_color_parse

At 09:54 17.09.01 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
>"Matthias Clasen" <matthiasc poet de> writes:
>> The following little patch prevents a possible buffer overrun in
>> pango_color_parse. Ok to commit ?
>> Btw there are currently three copies of this code (color_parse/color_find)
>> in gdk and pango.
>> Would it be ok to replace the copy in io-xpm.c by pango_color_parse ?
>> I don't know if a gdk-pixbuf -> pango dependency is considered a bad thing
>> or not.
>A pixbuf => pango dependency isn't acceptable, so we'll need at least
>two copies, but win32, and in fact GDK cross-platform should be
>using pango_color_parse().
Just curious: Why wasn't it added as g_color_parse? IMHO there is no
really connection between Pango and Colors despite the fact, that
the fonts are almost always rendered in color :)
But even in Pango color_parse is only used in pango-markup.c which 
inherits most of it functionality from g_markup_*

Needless to say that this suggestions would solve both depencency
problems ...


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
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