Re: stock icons to add

It is a flower. I think Havoc was referring to the what one user said
during the Usability tests at GUADEC or something, where uninformed
users were commenting about he About icon, and there were descriptions
like "spidey thingy" and "fried egg".

I had a good laugh when I read that. I wonder how many people remember
this history of that flower. It first came to be, if I remember right,
in one of the splash screens for something, it had the big Gnome foot,
and underneath, the words Gnome, with the flower instead of the "o".

Whatever ...

> Steven Brooks <umbrook0 cs umanitoba ca> writes:
> > > It's a fried egg. ;-) If it was a bit more meaningful maybe...
> > 
> > Is THAT what it is?  I always thought it was some sort of flower...
> > 
> (It is supposed to be a flower.)

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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