Re: gdk-pixbuf and mime-types

On 07 Jun 2001 11:32:31 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> jacob berkman <jacob ximian com> writes:
> > while hacking eog to use the new file selector, it occured to me that
> > eog doesn't actually know what kinds of files it can open, since this
> > depends entirely on gdk-pixbuf (which can actually load files of types
> > it didn't come with, due to the plugins, right?).
> You can't add third-party modules at the moment (the module list is
> compiled in).

ok.  this makes things a bit simpler, fortunately.

> > so are there problems with adding API to gdk-pixbuf to get a list of
> > mime-types it thinks it can load?
> Seems fairly sane. At the moment we have
> pixbuf_loader_new_with_type(), gdk_pixbuf_save() that take a name like
> "png" rather than a mime type, not sure how that fits in.
> Maybe return stuff like:
> struct _GdkPixbufLoaderInfo 
> {
>   char *name;
>   char *id;
>   char *mimetype;
> };
> static GdkPixbufLoaderInfo info = { N_("PNG"), "png", "foo/whatever-png" };
> void gdk_pixbuf_get_loader_list (GdkPixbufLoaderInfo **loaders,
>                                  int                  *n_loaders);
> ? 
> I don't know. Maybe we should kill the "png" string and just use
> whatever the MIME type for PNG is, but that would break back compat
> etc.

this sounds nicer to me.  does it break back compat with gdk-pixbuf for
gnome 1, or gdk-pixbuf in gtk 2?  how much does it break?

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