Re: Setting window icons

On 02/23/01 Bill.Haneman wrote:
> > 	gdk_set_interest_spot(-1, -1);
> This is an interesting idea, we should think about adding
> it to our API.  We'd propose putting in the accessibility
> API, to avoid touching gdk unnecessarily.

This functions needs to be in gdk, because it has to be used by
the widgets. It's not something that can be implemented
externally: only the widget knows where the region of interest is.

> We already take text "caret" (cursor) position into account
> and export notifications when it moves, but perhaps this
> should be part of a more general "focus point" concept
> which screen magnifiers will need.  It seems to me that the
> current "follow the mouse" idea is sort of a kludge in the 
> absence of better "region of interest" information being
> provided by the widgets or apps.

Better ideas that would work with the current X
environment appreciated:-)
Another thing needed would be a pointer changed notification from the
X server (currently gmag emulates only a standard arrow pointer
even if the actual cursor is an I-beam). But this will need
an Xserver extension...


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