Re: gobject memory usage tracking

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Alexander Larsson wrote:

> A few days ago some cosmic radiation hit one of my two braincells and i
> came up with an idea. I have no idea if it is implementable, but i thought
> i would ask.
> Since gobject have pretty good knowledge of the types of objects, would it
> be possible to somehow keep track of the amount of objects of different
> types? This would be great in locating runtime memory bloat.
> If you could dump a profile of all currently used types and how much
> memory is allocated to them this would be great. It would probably have to
> be some compiletime define in gobject.
> Tim, is this possible?

if you just want a dump out of how many objects are life per type, that
could be implemented by adding:

struct _TypeNode
  GTypePlugin *plugin;
  guint        n_children : 12;
  guint        n_supers : 8;
  guint        n_ifaces : 9;
  guint        is_classed : 1;
  guint        is_instantiatable : 1;
  guint        is_iface : 1;
+  guint        n_instances;
  GType       *children;
  TypeData    *data;
  GQuark       qname;
  GData       *static_gdata;
  union {
    IFaceEntry  *iface_entries;
    IFaceHolder *iface_conformants;
  } private;
  GType        supers[1]; /* flexible array */

to the type node structure and implementing ++/-- counting on that
for object allocation and freeing. based on that, a profile can
easily be generated for the whole type node tree, including space
allocated by instance, class and interface structures. is that
what you want?

the one thing i'm wondering about, what exactly do you want this
profile data to tell you?

> / Alex


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