Re: Removing old doc stuff from ftp site

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 04:47:30AM +0100, Tim Janik wrote:
> > 
> > This stuff is all in CVS.  
> we've already lost history on CVS in the past (though with the
> backup mechanisms currently engaged that hopefully won't happen anymore).
> furthermore the CVS tags don't always reflect the actuall code that went
> into the tarballs, so it won't give me the same diffs as the tarballs.
> also, we've had packaging problems in the past that only affected
> tarballs etc...
> so the point is, keeping track of what actually got shipped to the
> end user is an important issue, for historical reasons, references
> made to old tarballs (even from mail archives), and for verification.

Excellent points.

> > We could put up even older releases as well (the ones you have 
> > around) to be even more complete.
> yeah, we should probably do that at some point, i still got a bunch
> of gimp-extracts that were never shipped as stand alone releases
> of gtk itself, as well as the initial releases of the objectified
> gtk+ that peter made.

These are like super-secret things no one can get now - we should
make a big event out of it and drink lots of beer when we put the
stuff up for public consumption again.  ;-)


Shawn T. Amundson             	
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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