Re: Gtk{Tree,List} replacement proposal

On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 06:14:56PM -0400, Jonathan Blandford wrote:
> There are a number of objects associated with this:
>  GtkTLView - a view for trees/lists
>  GtkTLModel - a generic model for Trees/Lists.

It looks as if the view connects to signals for the model, so that it
gets notified when nodes are changed, inserted, or deleted; presumably
it would redraw the view when this happens.

Is there an equivalent to the "freeze"/"thaw" notion in CLists, to
arrange that if multiple changes are being made to the model, the
application can arrange that the view be redrawn only after all changes
are made?  Or is it expected that updating the view on every change to
the model won't cause the display to be too "busy" as the model is being

If a "freeze"/"thaw" mechanism is needed for the view, note that one
oddity with a frozen CList is that frozen CLists do respond to expose
events, which means that if you sweep another window across them, or
raise another window atop them and then raise the window containing
them, for example, the exposed portions are redrawn based on what's
currently in the CList, not based on what was in the CList at the time
it was frozen.

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