Re: GtkSCText (was: Timescale issues)

>  D> 	Can anyone elaborate on it?  Could we use it as a replacement
>  D> for GtkText?
> Definitely not!  GtkSCText is a (rather ugly) kludge.  I needed some
> stuff in the text widget, for the GtkEditor widget.  I patched the
> text widget for some time, but the VDKBuilder people got tired of this
> (can't say I blame them) and Ionutz Borcoman wrote a small program for
> generating a new widget - gtksctext - created by patching the text
> widget and renaming must of the functions/variables.  So GtkSCText is
> really just an automatically generated widget, based on GtkText.  And
> it's rather broken in many places.

	We're looking at redesigning/recoding the GtkText widget.  I have
some questions with regard to your GtkSCText widget.

1) Before the "GtkSCText" widget, were your GtkText patches going into the
main Gtk+ distibution?

2) What new features does the automatically-generated GtkSCText widget
have?  Does it have horizontal scrolling?

3) Do you know of any other people who have patches/edited/changed the
GtkText widget?

	It seems like multiple people have made their own "personal"
patches to the GtkText widget.  I want to get a GtkText with all the
patches applied together so we know where we stand in terms of


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