Re: PyGObject: ask for system/theme colors

Op 14-09-18 om 23:19 schreef c.buhtz--- via gtk-app-devel-list:
I don't want to use colors defined by myself e.g. with RGB-values.
I want to use colors from the system (Windows, Linux, ...) and/or the

For example I need the background color of a highlighted menu or list

Is there a way?

There is but it is pretty much impossible to do the correct thing with
them. See my reply on your other question about the drag icon what you
should use.

If you want to explore what you do is get a Gtk.StyleContext from a
Gtk.Widget with Gtk.Widget.get_style_context(). It hold the information
you are looking for like font and colour information. You retrieve them
with Gtk.StyleContext.get_property() with a Gtk.STYLE_PROPERTY_*
property and Gtk.StateFlags.*.


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