Key press synthesis (for WebKitGTK)

Hi all!

I'm working on the GTK port of Next browser (,

I have a window with a WebKitGTK view in it.

I intercept all key-press-events and send them to a third-party Lisp program via

Whenever the Lisp program does not recognize the key bindings, it notifies the
GTK program.  From there, GTK must forward the key press to the WebKit view.


- The focus is on a text field on a web page.
- I press "a".
- "a" is sent to the Lisp third party program.
- Lisp does not know what to do with "a", and sends a message back to the GTK program.
- The GTK program must insert "a" in the text field in the WebKit view.

To achieve that, I think I need to synthesize a key press event during the last
(Unless someone can think of a direct way to forward a key press to the WebKit

Here is what I've got:

- In the widget creation function:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
        g_signal_connect(buffer->web_view, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(window_send_event), window);
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

A 'window_send_event' callback for all key-presses.  I use Libsoup to send an
XML-RPC message containing the keypress to the Lisp program:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
void window_send_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data) {
  // ...  Some provision to avoid infinite loops...

        WindowEvent *window_event = g_new(WindowEvent, 1);
        Window *window = (Window *)data;
        window_event->window = window;
        window_event->event = event;

        g_debug("Sending keypress XML-RPC message for window %p", window_event->window);
        soup_session_queue_message(xmlrpc_env, msg, &window_event_callback, window_event);
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And finally, the callback when the response arrives from the Lisp program:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
void window_event_callback(SoupSession *_session, SoupMessage *msg, gpointer data) {
        // ...
        if (!g_variant_get_boolean(consumed)) {
                g_debug("Event not consumed, forwarding to GTK");

                WindowEvent *window_event = (WindowEvent *)data;

                GdkDevice *device = NULL;
                GdkDisplay *display = gdk_display_get_default();
                GdkSeat *seat = gdk_display_get_default_seat(display);
                device = gdk_seat_get_keyboard(seat);

                GdkEvent *event = gdk_event_new(GDK_KEY_PRESS);
                event->key = *(window_event->event);
                event->key.string = g_strdup(window_event->event->string);
                event->key.time = gtk_get_current_event_time();
                event->key.window = 
                gdk_event_set_device(event, device);


                g_debug("Event emitted");
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
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call is not caught anywhere though.  Any idea why?

I've tried with different event settings and sometimes I get

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(next-gtk-webkit:10768): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 15:31:27.027: gsignal.c:2172: signal id '68' cannot be 
chained from current emission stage for instance '0x1c3a2a0'
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I don't understand the above error message.  Any idea what could issue it?

Any clue, anyone?


Pierre Neidhardt

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