Re: PyGObject: cell_data_func or own Renderer for date column?

Op 10-05-18 om 00:06 schreef c buhtz posteo jp:
I want to have a date column in a Gtk.ListView. The field in the model
is a real "". Based on that the content of the column
could display this:

  "2 days ago"
  "this week"
  "7th May"
  "7. Mai '18"

Store this string in the Gtk.List/TreeStore, keep the
somewhere and update the string when the user changes the date format.

I never used it but you may want to experiment with storing a GLib.Date

This is all based on the same "" instance. The user decide
how to display. So I need maximum flexibility.

A cell_data_function is an option here to implement this. Is it a good

You can of-course do all sorts of things and manipulate to your hearts
content but I think you are making it too complicated. You could have
two strings, one for the display and another that stores a version that
is easily parsed by the datetime module.

What is about deriving from Gtk.CellRendererText?
But I don't see how to do this. May I only overload the render()
function? But how can I read from object and convert it
to a string?

You subclass and override the virtual methods [1] with your own. For
example something like below.

class MyRenderer(Gtk.CellRendereText):
    def __init__(self, datetime):
        self._datetime = datetime
    do_render(self, cr, widget, bg_area, cell_area, flags):
        # implement your own rendering here


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