Re: GtkDrawingArea size request

Hi Ruben, 

You might consider allowing the gauge to expand with the window size. This makes the gauge a lot more 
flexible. When drawing a gauge it is useful to get a general coordinate drawing on screen that you can check 
your gauge drawing with. Both cartesian coordinates and radial coordinates are useful to check your drawing. 
There is a general layout drawing in the following.

You can use set sizes if you want to also. To keep your drawing area window size a set size check your 
vexpand and hexpand properties. Make sure they are false. Try using a GtkGrid instead of a GtkBox. Put the 
drawing area in a scrolled window and put that in the grid.

I have done some work drawing gauges and have a couple packaged as widgets. There are also some drawings of 
clocks, gauges, gems and gears in the above github cairo_drawings folder. Some resize as circles and some as 
ellipses. They might be helpful getting something that you can test a gauge drawing with.



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