Re: textview widget selection buffer_select_range is cleared when dialog closes (intermittently?)

On 02/22/2017 08:24 AM, Norbert de Jonge wrote:
I can't help you, but after seeing some of your functions I'm
wondering... Setting the search direction (backwards, forwards),
setting/toggling case sensitivity (yes, no), and moving the selection
to whatever matches next; these are functionalities programmers want to
provide users, and that GTK+ could probably deliver with readily
available functions.


  Thanks for the reply. I have gtk+2 and gtk+3 installed as well as lib
libgtksourceview-2 and libgtksourceview-3. When looking for functionality, I
go though all and draw from what will most closely fit the bill.
Fortunately/unfortunately much of the implementation is left to the programmer
regardless of the version used. While using gtksourceview provides a native
case in-sensitive search, none of the versions provides specific functions for
limiting the search range and direction beyond the basic iter_forward_search
iter_backward_search, etc...

  This question however is unrelated to the choice or version of the toolkit
used, it's more general in how to prevent closing of a modal dialog, and the
associated change in window focus, etc.., from interfering with a highlighted
set of words set with select_range immediately after the dialog closes.

  It may come down to "How do I confirm that a dialog is fully closed (e.g.
the widget fully destroyed) before setting the selection to insure there is no
possibility of changing focus undoing the selection?  I'll keep looking.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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