Re: Removing entries from EntryCompletion

Hi Eric,

On 14 February 2017 at 00:56,  <cecashon aol com> wrote:
For this you need the private data of the entry completion to get it to
work. That means looking around the GTK source and seeing how you might put
something together. Of course, it is not recommended to use something that
can be changed at anytime by the GTK developers. So... I gave it a try to
see if it could be done. I got something working but it might very well
interfere with other code.

Brilliant. Thanks for the proof of concept.

My application is written in Perl with Gtk2 bindings, so it looks as
though I have no chance of getting at the private data.

I'll open a wishlist bug and hope that the developers can provide an
API for this in a future release.



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