Re: Custom GtkHeaderBar

On 04/15/17 04:36, cecashon aol com-san wrote:

I suspect


is causing the problem. If you remove that, then you will have a box that you place in the main window. If it 
is a header bar box it will be below the
titlebar. The box itself is just doing the layout so it uses the window behind it. You can draw on the window 
with a style context like

GtkStyleContext *context=gtk_widget_get_style_context(GTK_WIDGET(widget));
gtk_render_background(context, cr, 0, 0, width, height+20);

Probably I think it cannot get the theme color of GtkHeaderBar.

to get a specific widget color instead of setting the color with cairo.

A little limited here since I don't have a C# setup and am using GTK3.18 which doesn't have all the 3.22 
functions. What OS are you using and how did
you setup C# for programming with?


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