Re: GTK+2 vs. GTK+3 signal ?expose/draw/render? events (F.Reiter)

Dear all,
thanks for your help and advise, I found out what I was doing wrong,
and solved my problem, I was updating my window using:

void update ()
  gtk_widget_hide (plot);
  gtk_widget_show (plot);

While I should have been using:

gtk_widget_queue_draw (plot);

That solves everything, to be honest I am developing with GTK+ for more than 7 years
and did not know about this instruction :-P
I guess sometimes you miss important things like that.
Sorry to bother you with that, I really appreciate the time and effort you spent on
that, special thanks to Emmanuele Bassi who wrote me a big email yesterday,
and might have been looking in my code today.

Sorry for the trouble and again thank you.


Dr. Sébastien Le Roux
Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
Département des Matériaux Organiques
23, rue du Loess
BP 43
F-67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
E-mail: sebastien leroux ipcms unistra fr
RINGS project:
ISAACS project:
Fax:   +33 3 88 10 72 46
Phone: +33 3 88 10 71 58

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