Re: Strange 'regression' in gtk+/gstreamer app

Hello Eric,

  Thanks for the reply. Yeah I forgot to mention that in the Glade file
I had set double buffered to false for both GtkDrawingAreas. I also
tried setting them to false directly in code once I finish
loading/configuring it from the glade file.

gtk_builder_connect_signals (builder, DO);

g_signal_connect (recordingArea, "realize", rec_realize_cb, DO);
g_signal_connect (viewerArea,    "realize", view_realize_cb, DO );

gtk_widget_set_double_buffered (GTK_WIDGET(recordingArea), FALSE);
gtk_widget_set_double_buffered (GTK_WIDGET(viewerArea), FALSE);

One thing this did make me realized is that in my source dir I have a
copy of a tutorial/example. "basic-tutorial-5.c" (
gaWhCJs). It compiles and runs fine - updating the scrollbars without a
flicker. It also sets the double buffer to false. So I'm wondering if
it has to do with the notebook. That or the fact that I have two
drawing areas. One in each notebool panel that is causing the issue. It
is just so bizarre that its suddenly occurring years after it was

Any other ideas?

On Fri, 2016-12-09 at 18:59 -0500, cecashon aol com wrote:
It could be a problem with the double buffering.


Try to set that to false and see if that makes any difference. This
is on Linux? Usually you don't need this function any more and it is
deprecated but it can sometimes still be useful. I know to get
gnuplot pictures to redraw without flickering or a white background,
it needs to be false.

I did a little gstreamer experimentation a little while back with the
webcam video. It works without gtk_widget_set_double_buffered() using
Ubuntu 16.04, GTK3.18 and gstreamer1.0. No flickering that I can see.
I don't have a scrollbar in there though. It might be helpful.


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