undefined reference to interface

hi, me just did a new Makefile.am and organizing code into libraries.

now me get a lot of following messages especially related to interfaces:

undefined reference to `ags_dynamic_connectable_get_type'
libags_audio.a(libags_audio_a-ags_buffer_audio_signal.o): In function
undefined reference to `ags_dynamic_connectable_get_type'
libags_audio.a(libags_audio_a-ags_copy_audio_signal.o): In function
undefined reference to `ags_dynamic_connectable_get_type'
libags_audio.a(libags_audio_a-ags_volume_audio_signal.o): In function
undefined reference to `ags_dynamic_connectable_get_type'

The interface was compiled but somehow linker can't find appropriate
interface's get_type

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