Re: gtk3 toplevel windows incorrectly maximized under gnome3

I finally ran this down. The mutter window manager does indeed by default 
auto-maximize any newly mapped window larger than 0.8 of the 'usable 
screen area'. I think the latter means the space between gnome-shell's 
upper and lower toolbars, as I could never get anything more than about 
0.75 of the total X11 display area.
I still can't absolutely confirm that I'm actually running mutter because 
it does not appear in my system process list, and wmctrl says my WM is 
'GNOME Shell'. However, the behavior I am experiencing is exactly as 
described within the mutter source code, and you can actually disable it 
        gsettings set org.gnome.mutter auto-maximize false

I have to confess to enjoying some of the comments in bug reports filed on this behavior that led to the above gsettings workaround.

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