Re: Plotting Library for Gtkmm-3.0 - PlotMM

On 15-02-10 12:50 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Sun, 2015-02-08 at 09:08 -0800, Jim Charlton wrote:
A recent post about charting and plotting software for gtk-3.0
encouraged me to share some modifications I have made to the PlotMM
library originally made available by Andy Thaller

I have made quite extensive modifications to the original library in
order to make it compatible with Gtkmm-3.0.  Most of the the original
functionality remains as described in the link above.

The modified library, with a Makefile for Linux/Ubuntu 14.04.1, is
included in the package, as are notes on the modification I have made.
I have also verified that the code compiles on MAC OS X 10.10 with the
gtk/gtkmm osx libraries installed.

To obtain the package, go to
Well done. However, this project would be healthier in the long term if
you put it somewhere like github.

I have to admit that it has been a while since I used git and github. I have attempted to create a repository for the modified Plotmm libraries.

See if you can find the Mod-Plotmm respository under charlton01/Mod-Plotmm on

Jim Charlton

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