Understanding accelerators.


I'm trying to understand the difference between accelerators and the
“key-press-event” signal.

Let's say I have a window with just one button "quit". I'd like to handle the <controlo>q key event to quit the application.

I now I can connect to the top window key-press-event, but - just to understand how things work - is there any way to do the same with accelerators? Or are accelerators exclusively intended to be used with menus?

I'm totally lost in the documentation bouncing between actions, accelerators, accerator groups, action groups, ui managers, etc, and I can't find a SIMPLE example.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Oscar Lazzarino (Software Architect and Senior Developer)
oscar lazzarino i-m3d com
im3D SpA - Medical Imaging Lab
via Lessolo, 3 10153 Torino (TO) - Italy
tel:+39 011 19508773
fax:+39 011 19508968

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