Re: GTK application scene drawing

On 3 August 2014 02:01, Stefan Salewski <mail ssalewski de> wrote:
This may have been asked many times already

Yes, in the last years a have found a few similar questions with google,
in most cases not with VERY helpful replies.


I myself have used cairo with a GTK drawing area for my schematics tool,
and it was not a bad choice for that task: It gives me all the freedom I
need for that application, it looks fine and is fast enough -- I am not
sure if Ruby or cairo is currently more the limiting factor, I guess
both. (I am using bounding boxes for my objects and redraw only when
content has changed.

Your project looks nice. Is it open-source?
I have something similar in my mind in context to that Grid and
drawing entities.
But so far I am just able to draw points on my drawingArea and and now
working on how to detect if there is already a point under mouse. This
is because I want to draw line when 2 points are already drawn and I
select them.

I think your general conclusion is right, but you do not report about a
few important aspects: First, when you have already experience with Qt,
why do you not use QGraphicsView? I heard it is fine -- for C++ it may
be a good choice, for other languages you have to check if bindings are
available -- I think not for Rust or Ninrod, for Julia, Haskell I am not

Actually I am working on a GSoC project and Gtk is a requirement.

One important aspect may be drawing performance. Cairo in not very fast
by default, I think OpenGl and multi-treading support is limited, at
least I found no nice examples for really fast drawing. And generally
OpenGl for GTK is not very well supported -- GTKGLEXT may work with
GTK3, but I am not sure and there is not much recent activity.

I guess since my application won't be so heavy, drawing performance
might not be an issue. But I am still figuring out how to do something
like Scene and its items.

Gurjot Singh Bhatti

"It takes a person who is wide awake to make his dream come true." ~
Roger Babson

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