RE: Signal of a button dynamically created

I think the best thing you can do is associate a number when you connect the button response to a method like 

my_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &my_class::OnMyButtonClicked),iNumber));

The only thing you have to take into account is that the response method changes from the standard one.

If the method to be associated to a click event of a button is the following:

void on_my_clicked()

When you use sigc::bind the method changes and it should be like this

void OnMyButtonClicked(int x)

I hope this helps you,

Kind regards,

Jon Zabala

Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:29:18 +0200
From: fr33domlover mailoo org
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Signal of a button dynamically created


I'm not experienced but here's a quick idea: 

Create a new derived Button class which handles its own click by
overriding the virtual method, and in that method it emits a signal
which passes the button ID/row number as a parameter. Then listen to
this signal from all buttons :-) 

:כתב Borja Mon Serrano, 2013-10-28 17:22 בתאריך 


I'm building a popup window that has a Gtk::Grid inside it. The first row
has a form with three Gtk::Entry and a button to add the information to the
program. The rest of the rows has the items created before in that way
(just with Gtk::Label) and a button to remove the information. Like this:

| Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Button (add) |
|----------------------- rows dynamically added --------------------------|
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |

The point here is: how can I know what button was pressed in order to
remove a row?

Thanks! :)

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