Signal of a button dynamically created


I'm building a popup window that has a Gtk::Grid inside it. The first row
has a form with three Gtk::Entry and a button to add the information to the
program. The rest of the rows has the items created before in that way
(just with Gtk::Label) and a button to remove the information. Like this:

| Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Button (add)      |
|----------------------- rows dynamically added --------------------------|
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |

The point here is: how can I know what button was pressed in order to
remove a row?

Thanks! :)


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