Re: VTE questions

On Wed, 2013-05-29 at 18:58 +0800, Arnel A. Borja wrote:
Remove GtkScrolledWindow (right-click the recoveryTerminal in the right
sidebar then select Remove Parent in the popup menu) then add a GtkScrollbar
to box31. Make sure that the terminal is set to expand horizontally, and the
terminal and the scrollbar has the same (vertical) adjustment.
Ok perfect. It seems to work now. It's funny because when you said
GtkScrollbar, I read that as GtkScrolledWindow because I actually didn't
realize there was such a thing.

I've also tried using GtkScrolledWindow a few months ago, without success.
Terminals don't use horizontal scrollbars anyway (based on my experience 
so a vertical GtkScrollbar should be enough.
Awesome. I'm still not seeing the sunken border though. I tried setting
the frame's border to etched in, but still no love.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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