Re: Insert Various GTKWidgets into a dlg_window

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Rui Pedro Caldeira
<rpcaldeira outlook com> wrote:
I have all sorts os GTKWidgets (buttons, labels, comboboxes,...) and a

And I would like to know how I can put all those widgets in the dlg_window
and set their size and position in the window.

Assuming a dlg_window is an object that is or derives from GtkWindow,
you are probably looking for something that derives from [1]
GtkContainer, such as the recommended [2] GtkGrid.

The recommended way to use Gtk+ is to use relative positioning and
alignment, rather than absolute size and position; this allows your
application to present a usable window across a variety of window
sizes, languages, and fonts. However, if you _must_ use absolute sizes
and positions, [3] GtkFixed is available.


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