RE: EXT :Insert Various GTKWidgets into a dlg_window

Have you heard of glade?  Glade is a GTK application "creator" that will allow drag and drop of widgets into 
various widget containers.  It also allows for resizing and supports widget events.  This is just a GUI 
creator and this will create a .glade file.  It does not provide a way to alter code in the same window.  You 
would then use GTK calls in your favorite editor to load the .glade file.  The file is parsed and widgets are 
created.  Version 3.8 is for GTK+2 and 3.14 is for GTK+3.



Hello Again, I have another problem.

I have all sorts os GTKWidgets (buttons, labels, comboboxes,...) and a dlg_window.

And I would like to know how I can put all those widgets in the dlg_window and set their size and position in 
the window.

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