Re: Gtk_Tree_View, drawing speed

Hello Vlad,

an update frequency about 400Hz is absolutely not necessary,
and I agree that no human could follow that.

My Target is 100ms.
This gives an acceptable picture, even if I use later progress bars for visualization.
You will defenitliy notice a difference between 100ms and 33ms.
If I use numerical values, and even if you can not read the last number, you have some Information, you see 
that there is a fast change.
The other thing is that I have build in the possibilitiy for a Binary Display where I currently use a Toggle 
Button. In the Future my plan
is to change to a LED like view, where you also can notice very short events.

Anyway, to achieve 100ms, the maximum possible update Frequency should by higher.

At the moment I have just on Object with 12 Elements in my TreeView,
but later I want to have more Objects with more Elements in the view, with the current approach I would 
already touch the boarder.

Also I want to reduce the CPU load for this process.
Well, an WebVideo with 30 fps and an much more changing pixels requires less CPU load.

A feature I plan is also to give the possibility to log Data to a file, but if the visualization causes high 
CPU load,
and therewith high jitter, the quility of this log will be bad

One other thing is, I already know that a fast Display is possible, like if I just use 1 Element Objects.
Optically there is not so much difference, so what is causing the delay.

Did you ever see the Mega-Tunix Project?
They mad some very cool gauges which I used a few years ago, with also more then 10Hz,
and acceptable CPU Load, even on a weak Industrial PC


Am 27.09.2012 13:27, schrieb Vlad Volodin:
Hello Arne,

Is it really necessary to refresh updates 400 times per second? To be
honest, me as a human will not notice all these changes. What do you
think about doing updates once or two times per second? (like all task
managers do) E.g. you can collect all values that come from the
hardware and display the average value only.

Kind regards,

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