Re: GTK+ 3.6 threading?

What if the GSourceFunc blocks for a longer time, eg. for 3 seconds time.
Does it freeze the GUI because it runs within the main-loop?

One possible approach:
My audio-recorder uses a message queue (g_async_queue_new()) to receive
data from various modules and threads.
(notice: this solution is too slow to update a progressbar or levelbar may
times a second).

This message queue is checked continuously by a thread which then updates
the GUI, starts/stops/pauses recording etc.
See the rec_manager_init() function.

Various parts of the program can send messages to the GUI/app by calling:

void rec_manager_send_command(RecorderCommand *cmd) {
    // Push command to the queue
    g_async_queue_push(g_cmd_queue, (gpointer)cmd);

void rec_manager_init() {
    LOG_DEBUG("Init rec-manager.c.\n");

    // Create a message queue
    // Ref:
    g_cmd_queue = g_async_queue_new();

    // Message thread within GTK's main loop
    // Ref:
    g_thread_id =  g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 200,
rec_manager_command_thread, NULL, NULL);

    // Init recorder.c


  Moma Antero

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:34 AM, Ardhan Madras <ardhan rocksis net> wrote:

    Now that from GTK+ 3.6, thread functions are deprecated.  Is there
new rules to do threading with the gtk+ 3.6 version?
Are you talking about Glib? yes, there are many changes since 2.32
(for now stable version is 2.34), from high level view, the changes
such as new thread creation functions, thread reference counting
functions, thread synchronization tools, etc. and many other functions
and macros has been removed.

In 2.32 and above to create a thread you will use the new
g_thread_new() or the g_thread_try_new() (previously with
g_thread_create()), to create synchronization tools for example a
rwlock then you call g_rwlock_init (previously g_rwlock_new() or
G_STATIC_RWLOCK_INIT), call g_thread_unref() after you finish with the

    I tried */g_main_context_invoke/*, but seems it did not work. I
update GUI from that GSourceFunc. Maybe is my mistaken use...
I don't understand why you call g_main_context_invoke() here but If
you want to call GTK+ functions from your thread, the safe method is
to wrap the functions to a GSourceFunc and call it with g_idle_add()
or g_idle_add_full() (from your thread function).


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Weitian Leung <Just_Fancy live com>
    Now that from GTK+ 3.6, thread functions are deprecated.  Is there
new rules to do threading with the gtk+ 3.6 version?
    Just for an example, I want to download many files in background,
show the progress in GUI, how should I do it?
    I tried */g_main_context_invoke/*, but seems it did not work. I
update GUI from that GSourceFunc. Maybe is my mistaken use...
    Anyone know how? Or just give me some examples.

    Sorry for my bad English.


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