Re: Best way to busy-wait in Python 3 / Gtk+ 3?

On 10/10/2012 06:17 AM, Filip Lamparski wrote:
Thanks, your method works. However, it still takes the program quite a bit
to load up, and my problem is that I want display the window as soon as
possible. If that helps, here is how the program loads up:
Script starts
The window is constructed
Window events are connected to their handlers
When the window is ready, TED Talks are loaded and processed.
Then, widgets for the talks are created. In the widget's constructor, I
call GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_async.

Problem: The window does not show up when loading the images (something
that I hoped _async would make possible).

Hmm the point of async is to load things in the background.  So
somewhere something is missing.  You'll have to post some small code
example I think.  Preferably a complete snippet that replicates the
problem (show a single window, do a single image load or something).

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