Re: gtk_tree_model_get end of Line marker

On Sun, Oct 07, 2012 at 05:43:52PM +0200, Arne Pagel wrote:
because of my lazy programming style I sometimes forget or overwirte
the comma before the -1  end of line marker for the gtk_tree_model_get
or gtk_tree_store_set function.  This error can usually not be
detected by the c-compilers, so that I had to spend some really
unnecessary time to fix this typo.

Now I defined a makro for this, and in the case I forget the comma
again at least I get a compiler error:

#define TREE_MODEL_EOL (int)-1


I think something like this would be integrated officially and also
the all the examples would be updated, at lot of headache of many
people could be avoided.

Errors related to the -1 sentinel could be avoided by much more
straightforward means: defining gtk_tree_model_get() with column id and
value pointer reversed, i.e. first comes the value pointer (presumably
non-NULL), then comes the column id.  Then gtk_tree_model_get() could
just carry __attribute__((sentinel)) a.k.a. G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED.  But
the Gtk+ devs decided otherwise.

It would be nice (also in other cases) if gcc had an attribute for
arbitrary constant-value sentinels.  Unfortunately, it has not.  The
corresponding bug

seems to be stale.  I'm not sure about LLVM but it does not seem to
support this either.

While I've never forget the comma before -1 I have forgetten the -1
entirely a few times so something that prevents all sentinels errors
would be quite useful.


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