Re: Table not visible

Is it possible to show a minimal example(or a webpage with such
tutorial?)? or atleast direct me where I need to make change?
Rudra Banerjee

àààààààà ààààà ààà ààààà ààààà ààà,
à àààà àààà àààà àààà ààà ààààà
If possible, plz. don't send me MsWord/PowerPoint mails. Why? See

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Olivier Sessink
<oliviersessink gmail com> wrote:
On 05/09/2012 07:10 AM, Rudra Banerjee wrote:
Dear friends,
I am a newbie in GTK and also in C itself. I am trying to develop a
table (thanks to awesome tutorials available). I am currently facing a
In the given code, its working fine. Posted is a minimal example I
managed to generate. The problem is in line 88 and 89, either of table
or menu is working. If I comment one line, other one is working. Where I
went wrong? Please show.

the window can only hold 1 widget.

so add a vbox to the window,

add the menubar to the vbox
add the table also to the vbox


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