Re: GtkTable cells resizing

Are you using GTK+ 3 ?

If so, use GtkGrid instead... possibly just that will fix things for you.

Short of that, if I understand correctly, you have a target state/configuration
of a GtkTable (or GtkGrid), if you construct the table in the target
from scratch, I take it things work as you want... but dont work properly
after performing some kind of a transformation to reach your target

... perhaps it's worth trying an extra call to gtk_widget_queue_resize()
after modifying your table.


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:21 PM, James Steward
<jamessteward optusnet com au> wrote:

I have an application with a tabbed view.  On two tabs I have a table, one
is a 2x2 table, the other a 3x1 table (3 rows).

In each cell is a canvas that has a gtk plot.

I want to be able to click one of the plots in the 3x1 table and change the
canvas size to 2/3 the original, with the other two canvases being 1/6 the
original size.

After redrawing and resizing and mucking about, I can't get the table rows
to be different sizes, accommodating the different sized canvases properly,
even though I have gtk_table_set_homogeneous (table, FALSE);

Any clues how to do this?

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