Re: GtkPrintOperation uses wrong scale on Windows ?

On Tue, 26 Jun 2012, Geert Janssens wrote:

GnuCash is using GtkPrintOperation (Gtk2.24) to print checks. On linux this has always worked fine, but on Windows we have major scaling problems. There is a bugreport for this [1], which I am trying to solve for quite some time now.

A check that should be printed page-wide actually appears in a tiny 1-inch area on the page. [...]

Sorry, I don't have a solution, but I can confirm the problem. It has been there for a long time (since GTK 2.16 or earlier).

When I first came across the issue I tried messing with the GTK_UNIT_* arguments till I was blue in the face, to no avail. I also tried inserting debugging statements much like yours, but couldn't work exactly where the problem lay. Eventually I just gave up on using GtkPrintOperation on Windows. I hope you have better luck!

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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