Re: discoveries! gtk DOES dim... how can i infinite-loop?

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:58:09AM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
i've spent the last many days tryoing [on ubuntu] anf tonight on my
EEE-900A netbook [debian].  both dim when i go into a recursive

1.  edit with gvim
2.  have espeak voice gvim when it is written
3 goto 1;

tonight i did everything absolutedly write in chercking various
things, but the app still dimd if i have the function call itselg.

i should have asked this list whether there there is  a gtk call
that let's things go into  either  an infinite loop, or, would a
for() loop work for 300-500 loops?

if not, i need to rethink my algorithm.

That is probably what you have to do.

If I understand what your code does (and how) then while gvim is running
your app is *not*.  Your app is blocked and waits until gvim terminates.
The same for espeak.

You need to use a function such as g_spawn_async() to execute it.  Then
it depends how you communicate with the programs.  If you just want to
know when it terminates use waitpid().


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