Re: drag'n'drop sample application

On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, John Emmas wrote:

Using gtk-win32, I'm porting a GTK+ application (originally written for Linux and OS-X) to the Windows platform and have been pleasantly surprised at how well it's all worked. However, part of the app's functionality includes a drag'n'drop feature to move items from one part of the GUI to another part. [not working on Windows]

Unfortunately, the app itself is very large and complicated so it's pretty difficult to figure out what's supposed to be happening. Does anyone know of a handy example that I could use to study GTK+ drag'n'drop at a simpler level (with source code, obviously) ?

I'm attaching a little test program that I once used for diagnosing GTK dnd problems on Windows.

Allin Cottrell

Attachment: dndtest.c
Description: Text document

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