How to detect when user scrolls

Im writing some code which will call a function (userActive) when the user does something, for mouse moves, clicks and keyboard presses this is working fine:

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mainwindow),"motion-notify-event",G_CALLBACK(userActive),NULL); //will be called when a mouse move occurs g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mainwindow),"button-press-event",G_CALLBACK(userActive),NULL); //will be called when a mouse click occurs g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mainwindow),"key-press-event",G_CALLBACK(userActive),NULL); //will be called when a key press occurs

However in the mainwindow is a GtkScrolledWindow, and although its detecting mouse movement over the display area, if the user is just moving the scrollbarsandnot doing anything else, as they would if reading through some text, it doesnt detect it.

I've tried the following, on both the GtkScrolledWindow (browserscrolledview) and the mainwindow (GtkWindow) but to no avail:

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(browserscrolledview),"scroll-event",G_CALLBACK(userActive),NULL); //will be called when user scrolls in display area

How do I detect when the scrollbars move?


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