RE: gtk+3 and the user's homedir .gtkrc-3.0

Apologies for the awful formatting of that posting  -  let me try again  :

The gtk3 reference on resource files,
states that,  although deprecated, 
     "certain files will be read at the end of gtk_init(). 
      Unless modified, the files looked for will be
      <SYSCONFDIR>/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and .gtkrc-3.0 in the users home directory."

My experience with the ~/.gtkrc-3.0 file when running my application compiled against gtk+-3.0.2
is that it has no effect at all.

Specifically,   I have a file named both gtkrc-2.0 and gtkrc-3.0
 (both hard-linked to same content which I show below)
When I compile my app against gtk-2 and run it,  I see the expected result,
with the HighContrast theme applied to borders etc
 and the text of my GtkEntry entryBox in  Binner Gothic font.

When I compile the same app against gtk-3 and run it in the same way
 (without any XDG_CONFIG_HOME or any use of any new gtk-3 settings features
 such as a settings.ini,  css styles etc,
i.e. trying to simulate a simple migration with only re-bulding the app),
I see plain old Raleigh and the Sans 10 font for the text in the entrybox.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug ?  (in the documentation or in the code?)

By the way,  yes,  I did verify that my gtk3 build is in effect in my gtk3 scenario -
I set up a settings.ini and css stylesheet as another variation,  and tried
with a new-to-gtk3 widget (lightswitch)  and then get my settings applied and the
light-switch works as expected.

(BTW-1  - I tried to search the mailing list for hits on .gtkrc-3.0 and got
            Oops! This link appears to be broken.
           The requested URL /mailman/search was not found on this server

BTW-2  I hope this is the correct list for this question -  if not please advise)

Cheers   John Lumby


content of ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.gtkrc-3.0

# When turned on, this option causes gtk to select the contents of an entry field when it becomes focused.
gtk-entry-select-on-focus = 1

# Controls the keybindings that gtk uses for text entry/editing/etc
# The "emacs" theme turns on things like:
# ctrl-a == move to beginning of line, ctrl-e == move to end of line, etc.
gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"
gtk-theme-name = "HighContrast"

# The following section allows you to change the style of the entry box
style "garish"
   font_name = "Binner Gothic"
   bg[NORMAL] = "#FF0B0B"
   fg[NORMAL] = "#00CDFF"
   bg[ACTIVE] = "#00FF0B"
   fg[ACTIVE] = "#CD00FF"
   bg[PRELIGHT] = "#FF0B0B"
   fg[PRELIGHT] = "#AAAA11"
   bg[SELECTED] = "#FF0B0B"
   fg[SELECTED] = "#11F2F2"
# Set the widget style for the conversation entry box
widget "*entrybox" style "garish"
widget_class "GtkEntry" style "garish"
class "GtkEntry" style "garish"

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