Gtk 3.0 API and display issues

I tried to convert a GTK 2.0 app to GTK 3.0 and ran into a few things:

1. It was pretty nasty of the GTK/Gnome folks to, at the very last minute, deprecate and change gtk_combo_box_new_text() to GtkComboBoxText.

2. The GTK 3.0 API references "gtk_combo_box_text_remove_text()" but the compiler complains the function is undefined. This is essentially a show stopper for converting my app.

3. Temporarily removing the *_remove_text() calls and running the app shows that the default GTK 3.0 theme does not display GtkFrame widgets. Another show stopper.

Should I file bugs? or are these known issues? or am I doing something wrong?


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