Re: scan code for required gtk version


Le 01/01/2011 16:30, Dan McMahill a écrit :
Is there a way to scan ones source code automatically to determine the
minimum required version of gtk and also glib?  The reason I ask is I've
been involved in a project that doesn't really use lots of the most
cutting edge features and in general, we only want to bump the required
version in cases where there is some really motivating reason to do so.
 That said, I also don't want to maintain a whole bunch of different gtk
installs only for purposes of trying to see how far back I can go and
still build this other program.
I don't know any official ways, but I've mad a little script (very
hackish for now, but works quote well though) that extracts glib symbols
from C sources and check them against the version in the docs.

You can fetch them: is the script to launch, and it expects to be in ~/bin. You can of course tune as you want.


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