Label resizing window, ellipsizing

Hello there,

I was wondering if there was a way of avoiding a label (in a notebook)
to resize the window when the text in it is too big.

I heard of ellipsizing, and EllipsizeMode.END seems great for me, but
if I ellipsize it, it will be ellipsized even if the label is small.

So, I want to ellipsize it only when it becomes too big (over X
pixels), but I only seem to be able to limit it's width in chars using
max_width_chars. I also tried setting my label's max_width_chars to
10, but the string could still increase a lot, so it didn't work.

What do you recommend? Ideally, I would like to have a maximum width
in pixels, but chars is ok too.

/* Relevant code (vala) */
tab.label.max_width_chars = 10;

David Gomes

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