
If I may ask, what is the main technical problem (deeper explanation) with
using GTK+ from multiple threads?

On Windows, the problem is that Windows GDI, being a local windowing
system with a quite tight coupling to the client code executing on the
same machine, is very much thread-aware. (With tight coupling I mean
that you do actual system calls into the in-kernel windowing system,
and it does actual callbacks into your code.) Windows and other
objects that are created by one thread keep that thread association
and their messages (events) are delivered to the same thread. Stuff
like that.

What about having more main gtk loops in one application? Each one would have its callbacks defined and 
everything concerning GTK would be treated spearately. And those two gtk loops would just communicate together
via standard process communication and sync routines like mutexes, events, signals, shared memory etc.?
Would this approach work? It would have to be a multiple windowe application, of course.


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