Re: Widget choice / top level window resizing

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 09:28:01AM +1100, Matthew Allen wrote:
The code I'm porting to Gtk has all it's own layout systems in place
anyway and I want to bypass using Gtk layout to get something working
quickly. At the moment I can get a basic window showing on the screen
with an appropriate set of child widgets using GtkFixed, however the
main window is then "stuck" at the initial size that I created it at,
i.e. I can't resize it smaller, because all the Widgets have a minimum
size as specified by gtk_widget_size_request. I'm new to Gtk :)

At least the container widget has to *not* request a fixed size,
whatever its children do.

A better alternative to GtkFixed might be GtkLayout but, generally, if
you want a specialized container you will have to write it.  Or consider
using Gtk's packing containers because fixed position based layouts
tend to break when anything in the app or the envitionment changes.


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