Re: using GdkPixbuf icons in GtkUIManager ?

2010/6/24 Tadej BorovÅak <tadeboro gmail com>:
I think the simplest thing to do here would be to add your images to
icon theme (you can use inlined images, but it would probably be
better to shell them out now that you're updating application).

why is it better not to use inline images? file based images will take
much more I/O (much more filesystem seeks) compared to inline compiled
images. What is the drawback of inline images?

adding the image to an icon theme also involves an extra lookup,
instead of using a direct pointer to the right image, you need to
lookup something by a name, hopefully a hashtable, to get the right
pointer to the image. But if there is no way to use the pixbufs
directly it's probably the best way.

BTW, can you provide a link to one of the outdated files?



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